Hineni Here I am

I am a seeker and a teacher. But more important than my role is the question: what is my place in the flow of this moment?

I am a rabbi and mashpi’a ruchani/spiritual guide. But more important than my titles is the wondering: what is true in this moment?

I am a healer, sacred musician and deep ritualist. But more important than my abilities or talents is what arises in the “we” space, whether “we” are two, twenty or two hundred.

For your right brain:
I am song weaver and flow bender.
A mover
a baker
and home love tender.

I am journeyer and journey
dancer and dance
speck and whole.

Perpetual beginner and holder of lineage,
I root with the tree
and fly with the celestial serpent.

Forgetter and rememberer of truths, I break apart every day and am nonetheless whole, filling my bowl with the moment and sinking into its delicious now. 

I am player and instrument
thesis, antithesis and synthesis
in a holographic fractal of
the Big Unknowable Picture.

For your left brain:
I am currently serving as Assistant Director of the Aleph Ordination Programs Hashpa’ah Training Program, as well as faculty and program director for Secrets My Grandmother Told Me: A Wisdom School. Additionally, I have also served as adjunct faculty at Hebrew College as well as teaching and counseling private clients. I have led deep ritual and meditation, nourishing souls for over a dozen years, at Asiyah—the community I co-founded and led for five years in Somerville, MA—as well as with Nava Tehila in Jerusalem and Romemu in Manhattan and beyond. I’ve sat multiple vipassana retreats with various teachers at the Insight Meditation Society, as well as with Rabbi Alan Lew, z”l, and Rabbi David Cooper, z”l.

I carry smicha/ordination as Rabbi and Mashpi’a Ruchani/Spiritual Director in the lineage of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, ztz”l, through the ALEPH Ordination Program. I studied at Hebrew College, the Jewish Theological Seminary, the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies and the Shalom Hartman Institute along the way. I hold degrees from the University of Michigan (bachelor’s) and Indiana University (MBA) and have certification as a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP).

Who are you?

What People Are Saying

With his gentle voice, careful words, and leading us in practice, Rabbi David has the gift of bringing his students to feel and comprehend what is difficult to verbalize.

— Class participant

I really enjoyed the gentle energy you used [in our hashpa’a session]... it was like dipping in a pool on a summer's day.

— Yael U.

In hashpa’a with Rabbi David, I feel genuinely seen.

— David B.

Let’s connect

Do you have a collaboration idea? Are you ready to put yourself in greater flow? Let’s talk about it.